by Rose Claire
Photo courtesy of Dilok Klaitastaporn
Spiritual leaps (aka leaps of faith) are risks. They’re scary. They can trigger anxiety, issues of lack and outright panic. But, they are also adventures, times in our lives when we push out of comfort zones because what we really want in life is beyond the walls of how we’re currently living.
So, what can you do when you're in the midst of transformation, and the doubt jumps to Defcon 2? Here’s a quick list of tips you can use to talk yourself off the ledge.
1. Slow the mind with meditation: Use a guided meditation if need be. The Women’s Meditation Network has dozens of categories of guided meditations including one for anxiety. Or, simply do a search online to find the meditation that’s right for you.
2. Pull out those crystals: Use a quartz crystal with Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Selenite, and/or Tiger’s eye to strengthen these crystals’ already powerful ability to clear negative thoughts. Then, add some citrine to boost your level of success.
3. Take a creative break: Get out of the monkey mind by writing, painting, drawing, crafting, singing—anything you enjoy that can help shift those pesky brain patterns. The arts have a way of opening the right brain and chilling the left brain, so you’ll feel calmer and productive.
4. Call in Spirit: Hey, Spirit moved you to take this challenge, and Spirit is here to help you meet the challenge. So, ask for guidance. Ask for relief. Ask for success. Every time a negative thought or worry enters your mind, just put out the SOS for Spirit.
Spiritual leaps may test us, but they also help us grow and remember that we are in charge of our lives. So, if you’re being called to “roll the dice,” and your anxiety takes off, try these tips and then keep on rolling!